Thursday, November 22, 2018

Timing ...2020 rather than 2019

It looks like I will move my EuroMed eKaymaran Adventure paddle to 2020.

There are two reasons for this.
1.Through the summer and now into the fall, I became passionately and completely drawn into the artistic side of my life, creating several new digital pieces and developing a new concept for a possible new commission. If I'm awarded this commission I would need to dedicate all my time to it; January through June of 2019.
2. A total review of the first eKaymaran prototype we created has given rise to new and important ideas to streamline manufacturing and lighten the craft. I will incorporate these improvements into the design and create and test a second prototype in 2019.

I will be a year older, a tad wiser, and of course the Thames and the Med will still be there.